miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Cover #2 - Argentina - 06/09/2010

  • $ 0,75 Punta Delgada Lighthouse
Punta Delgada Lighthouse

It's a lighthouse located in Punta Delgada, at Península Valdez, Argentina.

The construction started in September 1904, under the supervision of the Section of Hidrography, Lighthouses and Markers of Argentina, and the direction of the Frigate Lieutenant Pablo Garcia and the Lighthouse Mechanic Guillermo Cray.

It's a conical tower, made of brick-red masonry, with a guerite and a household. This lighthouse is 14 meters high. Originally, it had a white light, a battery with two bronze tanks for compressed air and petrol, and a Barbier third order device.


Thanks Carlos

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